Transformational Life Coach

Mónika Etel

Mónika Etel

Starts at 6.45€

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs 6.45 €
Gratitude Practice 11.64 €
Financial Coaching 7.55 €
Relationship Coaching 13.35 €
Mindfulness and Meditation 8.16 €
Career Coaching 12.58 €
Personal Development 9.53 €
Lifestyle Coaching 10.45 €

10 Review

Service Information


As a professional Life Coach, energy healer, Yoga, and meditation teacher with over 10 years of experience, I support people to heal, expand, and grow in all areas of life. 

My holistic approach combines coaching, mentoring, meditation, breathwork, and accountability to help you move forward and experience powerful lasting transformation. 


What makes me stay ahead?


- Extensive Experience: With over a decade of coaching experience, I have supported clients from diverse backgrounds, helping them overcome obstacles and create meaningful changes in their lives.

- Holistic Approach: My coaching philosophy is rooted in a holistic understanding of human psychology, behavior, and emotions, ensuring a well-rounded approach to personal development.

- Goal-Oriented Strategies: Together, we set clear and achievable goals, and I provide practical strategies to help you stay focused, motivated, and on track toward your dreams.

- Mindset Mastery: I specialize in mindset coaching, empowering you to identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs, and fostering a growth-oriented mindset.

- Emotional Intelligence: with this, you'll gain the tools to navigate relationships, manage stress, and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.

- Personal Transformation: As a life coach, I am committed to guiding you through transformative experiences, breaking free from old patterns, and stepping into your true potential.


My Services:


- Personal Development Coaching

- Career and Business Coaching

- Confidence and Self-Esteem Building

- Time Management and Productivity

- Stress Reduction and Wellness


Let's team up and embark on this empowering quest to elevate every aspect of your life.

Mónika Etel

Mónika Etel

Dear aspiring achievers!

My name is Mónika, an experienced life coach, dedicated to empowering individuals like you to unlock their true potential and live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and success.

I'm on a mission to help you transmute life's challenges into opportunities for growth and empowerment. With a passion for guiding individuals toward their true potential, I'm here to be your trusted partner on this remarkable journey.

What Sets Me Apart:

- Soul-Centered Coaching: My coaching is rooted in the understanding that each person possesses a unique soul path. I guide you in aligning with your soul's purpose and making decisions that resonate with your true self.

- Intuitive Insight: I combine traditional coaching techniques with intuitive insights, offering a holistic approach to personal development that goes beyond the surface.

Ready to Illuminate Your Path?

Let's Begin Your Alchemical Journey to Transformation!

Comments (10)

Emma White

Emma White

Working with this life coach has been an incredible journey!

Benjamin Smith

Benjamin Smith

While the journey has been transformative, I believe there's still room for more tailored guidance.

Sophia Johnson

Sophia Johnson

The sessions were insightful, but I didn't feel a strong connection with the coach.

Ethan Martinez

Ethan Martinez

Unfortunately, my experience with this life coach fell short of expectations.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson

Absolutely life-changing!

Noah Brown

Noah Brown

Overall, I found the sessions beneficial in gaining clarity and setting goals.

Lily Taylor

Lily Taylor

The coach had valuable insights, but I struggled to see tangible results in my life.

Lucas Clark

Lucas Clark

The sessions left me feeling more confused than empowered.

Olivia Garcia

Olivia Garcia

I can't recommend this life coach enough!

Matthew Rodriguez

Matthew Rodriguez

The coach provided valuable tools and perspectives that helped me gain clarity and make positive changes in my life. However, I wished there was more emphasis on setting specific action steps.

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